Tuesday, June 10, 2008

German musical cuckoo clock

n popular music, serve as examples the Christmas carol "The Cuckoo Clock" by James Hipkins and contained in the weekly British music journal "The Musical World" in 1856, the song "The Cuckoo Clock" (published in April 1909 in “The Ladies' Home Journal), music by Louis R. Dressler and words by William Henry Gardner, the ballad "The Cuckoo Clock" (1916) chanted by Lucy Gates (soprano), and "Cuckoo in the clock" (words by Johnny Mercer and music by Walter Donaldson) recorded by the Glenn Miller orchestra and vocals by Marion Hutton, which became a popular 1939 song in the U. S. To say that the hit was also performed by Johnny Mercer, Bobby Troup, Lena Horne, Sully Mason, Steve Jordan, Mildred Bailey and Martha Tilton.

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